The Ersa ETS 330 is a compact, in-line dual wave pallet type soldering systems, featuring a variable preheat system and web-based touch-screen controls with 199 solder programs.
Compact full tunnel wave soldering system for cost-optimized wave soldering in a nitrogen atmosphere with award-winning ERSASOFT 5.
ERSA Powerflow
High-performance wave soldering system with flexible soldering bath technology at attractive value-for-money.
ERSA Powerflow N2
The Ersa POWERFLOW N2 is a full-tunnel nitrogen wave soldering system developed specifically to master the challenges of lead-free production. It offers enormous savings of more than 90% in its operating costs.
ERSA Versaflow 3/45
The VERSAFLOW 3/45 is the first in-line selective soldering machine with dual track transport. Highest flexibility and highest throughput can be realised with the smallest possible required space.


The little big one from Ersa in selective soldering: compact without compromises, extremely smart! Winner of the GTI Award 2015.


Small Selective Soldering System with outstanding technology.


Rohkem infot ning suurema valiku masinatest leiad siit

 masinate varuosad normaalne tarnetähtaeg 5-10 päeva.
kiirtarne – maksimaalselt 3 päeva
ERSA Spray flux system

Mõeldud vanemate masinate vahufluxerite asendamiseks. Sensorid määravad trükiplaadi mõõdud ja edastavad need pihusti juhtplokile. Pihustit võib räbustiga toita olemasolevast konteinerist või alternatiivina otse originaalpakendist (kanistrist). Räbusti tihedust ei ole enam vaja pidevalt kontrollida ja lahusti lisamisega reguleerida. Räbusti kulu on tunduvalt väiksem, samuti puudub vajadus töötanud räbusti utiliseerimiseks.

 ERSA Sensor Shuttle

  • Intelligentne traadita mõõtesüsteem lainejootmismasinatele ja Reflow ahjudele
  • Laia rakendusalaga
  • ISO 9000 kalibreeringu sertif